The Between Worlds

Strange comics and stories for your reading pleasure



The Between Worlds is a multiverse story project created by my friend and I, many years ago. It is a setting that we can use to tell many stories all based on the same system of shared rules. The stories will range from comic books to regular books for the time being with the potential to expand to other mediums.

 NEWS: 9/3/2024

Stories update:
I will not be able to be contacted until mid-November due to IRL stuff  

"Project B2TH" chapter 1 nearing completion 

 The title reveal coming soon, hope to finish CH 1 before my radio silence

All future motion comics will go to my second channel

 Current projects

Breakdown of the Truck Demon - Comic

project postponed:
A man and his truck, are stuck in a strange world and labeled as demons.

Project B2TH - Comic (working title)

Currently Working on:
An upcoming story set in a steampunk-fantasy world will you brave the wilderness?

World of Joy - Book

A series of short stories being written by my friend "Average" set in The Between Worlds multiverse, with light advising from me. Based on the original stories that inspired this series.  

Project Arborg - comic (working title)

A very early concept for a story that won't see the light of day for many years. I don't even know why this is here.

This image is unrelated 
it is a bad 3D model I made in high school.

 Contact Us!

 Want to talk about the stories or just say hello? Join our discord below! 

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